25. August 2017 - 27. August 2017
Catarina Brazão, Kay Karl and Markus Pesonen
An immersive sonic retreat to explore your emotional responses to sound and its impact in the body.
The human body is wired to be exquisitely sensitive to sound. The faculty of hearing is one of the first senses to be develop in the utero, and the last to depart before death. Nevertheless, this sense is under appreciated.
Sound has an immense power to transport us into various brainwave states, to strengthen our dynamic sensory memory and helps us find an inner state of centred awareness. Throughout the weekend, you are encouraged to actively involve yourself with the sound and make sense of your direct experience. Within a supportive and caring environment, this experiential retreat includes somatic sound journeys, gongbaths and group discussions, as well as delicious vegetarian food to support our inner landscape explorations.
In this retreat, you will:
– discover the power of being fully embodied when you journey with sound
– expand your ability to focus your attention to the present moment
– explore the power and intelligence of emotional embodiment
– explore the art of authentic and honest conversations
language: English and German
workshop 144,00 € (downpayment 44,00 € on registration)
accommodation and catering:
Unterbringung im Einzel- oder Mehrbettzimmer; hochwertige, vegetarische Vollverpflegung, Tee
Mehrbettzimmer…..130,00 €
Doppelzimmer…….. 140,00 €
Einzelzimmer……… 160,00 €
Zimmerreservierung direkt im Adelhaus an info@kaykarl.de, zahlbar per Überweisung bei Buchung, im Stornofall werden 40,00 € Stornogebühr einbehalten
Unterbringung in voll ausgestattetem Appartement (1-Zimmer, Küche, Bad, TV) gegen Aufpreis möglich